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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Apparently Senators Orrin Hatch, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, and Charles Grassley, as well as the others who sponsored the SOPA and PIPA bills, didn't really pay attention in school.  Why do I say this you ask?  Because the sponsors of the SOPA and PIPA bills, didn't do their homework; or that's what they want us to believe now.  They attempted to pass bills on which at least some of them now claim, there have been "unintended" consequences discovered. 

Hatch has officially dropped cosponsorship of the Senate's version of the bill.  Now either Hatch and the others really did intend for those consequences but now are lying about it, something they should have learned in elementary school not to do, or they truly didn't do their homework before submitting the bill(s) for approval; something else they should have learned in elementary school (homework, not drafting legislation).  

Talk about a waste of time and taxpayer money!!!  Either the Senators and Congressmen who drafted these bills were trying to impose Communist style censorship in the USA, along with trying to hold the wrong parties responsible for violations of the proposed bills, or they chose not to do their homework and willingly wasted time and taxpayer money. 

As a kid I was always taught to "do it right the first time".  I say, in addition to vehemently opposing these bills and requesting our legislators do the same, we not reelect any of the idiots who sponsored these bills.  These folks potentially share a list of incredibly negative traits, none of which anyone in their right mind would want their legislators to have; i.e.- dishonest, dumb, lazy, closet Communist, wish-washy, etc. 

In any case, if you can't tell, I am opposed to internet censorship and am opposed to SOPA and PIPA, and I will definitely NOT be voting to reelect Orrin Hatch (I live in Utah).

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