I'm starting this blog as a semi-public place to vent my thoughts, frustrations, random questions, etc. I plan to be pretty blunt, but will try to phrase things in a way that attempts to be diplomatic and inoffensive. Feel free to comment, whether you agree or disagree. I'm always open to a good dialogue.
I think I'll start by saying that Mt Dew is the nectar of the gods. It's the most spectacular drink ever created, and I'm thoroughly addicted. I have been since I was a kid. In high school I averaged literally a couple gallons of Mt Dew over the course of each day. I credit Dew with curing and preventing a whole host of illnesses for me. I've tried every variation they've come out with, but I'm a purist and my favorite is still the classic Dew; though the Dew with real sugar runs a pretty close second.
In my opinion, almost every Coke product is fairly vile; Coke especially. Sprite is way better than 7-Up could ever hope to be. Sprite is one of the very few decent Coke products. I will say however, that Most Pepsi products are not spectacular, but definitely better than Coke products. I can drink the occasional Pepsi, but Mt Dew will always be my drink of choice.
I guess that I'll end my rant for the evening, but in closing for tonight, I say MT DEW IS MY LIFEBLOOD AND I LOVE IT!!!
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