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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Good Feelings

Hello again.  I figured I've done a lot of complaining on this blog, so I should probably throw in some feel good blogging to balance things out a bit.  Below is a list of some of the things that make me happy and make me feel good.  Feel free to comment with anything additional that makes you feel good!

- My wife and kids
- The restored gospel of Jesus Christ
- Fresh Mountain Dew
- Baby animals
- Those fuzzy little black jumping spiders (they're cute and fun to hold)
- Egg nog
- Sword fighting
- Calvin and Hobbes comics
- Working on cars
- Lots of other things (too many to type!)

Anyway, I hope my little list will get you thinking about the good things in your life, little and big, that make you happy and make your life better; the things that make the crappy times in life a bit less painful.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Intrusive Technology

Sooo....sorry I haven't posted for awhile folks.  I've been thinking about something lately.  When we were all kids we watched cartoons and other shows that promised an exciting, fun-filled future full of technology that at the time, only existed in our dreams and shows.  Now we're living in a future that includes a great deal of the afore-referenced technology, and I for one, think that it's becoming a bit intrusive.  Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of cool gadgets that are part of current technology, but there's still a downside. 

For one thing, kids are starting to struggle even more with grammar, spelling, etc., because they all think and type and even speak, in text; some examples are:  omg, lol, afk, wth, and a whole host of others.  Computers have so infiltrated our lives, that they're no longer teaching cursive writing in school.  Soon they won't be teaching kids how to write at all. 

Another aspect I take issue with, is how dependent our vehicles are on computers.  You practically need an IT degree to fix a car now.  It used to be that anyone who was mechanically inclined, or had been taught how, could fix a car.  Now you need all sorts of computer programs and devices to test and fix your car.  Oh, and now cars can park themselves, among other things.  If you really need the car to park itself for you, YOU SHOULDN'T BE DRIVING A CAR!!!

Further proof of how car computers and technology have intruded into our lives, is the fact that most anyone can track down and watch anyone else, via the cameras that are virtually everywhere, internet searches, maps on the internet that we can use to view someone's house and car and business via satellite.  Virtually everything in the world is networked or otherwise connected, and if government computers go down, then the whole world is screwed!

Anyway, just food for thought.  I'll end my rant for the time being.  After all, I am using technology to write this blog and make it available for the world to  Later folks!